Commissioners of Irish Education Inquiry 1825
Courtesy of University of Southampton/JSTOR as per the Community Collection terms and conditions.
Showing Ballyoughter National School in the Barony of Gorey, Parish of Toomb. This is the earliest record known for Ballyoughter National School.
The teacher was Denis Synnot and he was paid the princely sum of £3 as an annual income for teaching 38 Roman Catholic pupils and 2 Protestant pupils (according to the RC returns) in the local chapel. The class comprised 22 male and 18 female pupils. Scripture was read from the Douay-Rheims Bible.
Return of Grants and Salary Scales for Ballyoughter National School in 1874
Courtesy of University of Southampton/JSTOR as per the Community Collection terms and conditions.
Showing Ballyoughter National School in District 30 with Roll Number 10780. The school was managed by the parish priest, Rev. H. Williams, and the patron was the Roman Catholic Church. The teacher at that time was Alice O’Neill and the records show she was paid an annual salary of £35/6s/11d.
Commissioners of National Education in Ireland Reports
Courtesy of University of Southampton/JSTOR as per the Community Collection terms and conditions.
The 1877 Report lists a total of 79 pupils on the roll but the average daily attendance was recorded as a lowly 32 pupils.
In 1880, the school had 72 pupils on the roll with an average of 33 attending daily. The local contribution to the running of the school that year amounted to £7/6 with the teacher receiving a total salary of £37/18/6.
In 1886, the school had an average of 63 on the roll with a slightly improved daily attendance average of 34 pupils. The teacher’s salary was £43/15.
The average daily attendance may appear very low but must be considered in the context of the period where children played an important role in the work in the home and on farms.
Selected pages from Domestic Instruction Notes by Ms Julia Lawlor
Selected Pages from Teacher's 'Scheme of Work' Book
The Schools Collection on Dú
Read the archival material written by Principal Pat Sheehan dated 20th October 1938. Pages 4 to 19 contain a compendium of ‘Tomhaiseanna’ (Riddles) for you to enjoy.
With the kind permission of “The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0891, Page 32-50” by Dúchas © National Folklore Collection, UCD is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.
List of Teachers Employed by the Commissioners of National Education on 31 March 1905 - Listing Margaret McGloin
This list was compiled by the National Education Office in 1905 ‘showing the ages and length of service of National School Teachers in the service of the Commissioners of National Education on 31st March, 1905 and, where furnished, their places of education’.
You can locate the record for Margaret McGloin, Ballyoughter NS Principal, on Page 4, Line 10.